Ore separation jig

Ore separation jig

Jigging machine is a gravity separation equipment that separates materials by density in vertical pulsating water flow. The following is a detailed introduction about it:
Working principle
Potential energy theory: According to the second law of thermodynamics, the stratification process of the bed is a process of potential reduction. When the bed is properly loose, heavy mineral particles fall and light mineral particles rise.
Dynamic theory: The cause of stratification is explored from the movement differences of individual particles, such as the stratification theory based on the free settling velocity difference of particles, the interference settling velocity difference, the initial acceleration difference and the interference settling-sucking effect. In the vertical alternating flow, the particles in the bed are affected by gravity, medium resistance, additional inertial resistance, additional thrust and mechanical resistance.
Structural composition
It is mainly composed of a body, a sieve plate, a pulsating mechanism, a discharge mechanism and a bed detection device. The main working space in the body is the jigging chamber; the sieve plate is used to carry materials and allow water to pass through; the pulsating mechanism generates vertical pulsating water flow; the discharge mechanism is responsible for discharging the stratified materials; the bed detection device is used to monitor the bed state.
According to the pulsation source: there are diaphragm jigs, piston jigs, non-piston jigs, moving screen jigs, etc.
According to the processed raw materials: there are mining jigs and coal jigs.
According to the sorting medium: there are hydraulic jigs and wind jigs.
According to the movement state of the screen plate: there are fixed screen jigs and moving screen jigs.
According to the shape of the jig chamber: there are circular jigs and trapezoidal jigs.
Application field
Metal ore dressing: It is widely used in the dressing of metal ores such as tungsten, tin, gold, iron, manganese, titanium, antimony, lead, tantalum, and niobium.
Coal preparation operation: It is used to sort coal in coal preparation plants, and coal can be divided into products such as clean coal, medium coal, and gangue.
Operation adjustment factors
Mainly include jigging frequency and jigging amplitude, bed thickness, air valve characteristics, feed rate, air volume and water volume, discharge volume, etc. Among them, coal feed rate, air volume and water volume, and discharge volume are often adjusted.
Common types and characteristics
Diaphragm jig: The diaphragm replaces the piston action, and the transmission device is mostly an eccentric connecting rod mechanism. According to the installation position of the diaphragm, it can be divided into upper-moving type, lower-moving type and side-moving type, which is mainly used in metal ore dressing plants.

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